Volunteer handbook
View: Volunteer handbookWe want to make sure you have a positive experience as a volunteer with us at Seetec, and this handbook should tell you everything you need to know to get started. You can access this guide by clicking on the link below.
Business forecasting
View: Business forecastingRunning a business can be really rewarding but sometimes keeping on top of the figures can be challenging. Forecasting your income and expenses is vital for any business to ensure you stay afloat and continue to be successful. Check out the Multiply resource on business forecasting by using the link below.
The demands of delivering a women-led probation service
View: The demands of delivering a women-led probation serviceSource: Russell Webster Type: External Link
The cost of empathy: Women who supervise women on probation
View: The cost of empathy: Women who supervise women on probationSource: Probation Quarterly Type: External Link
Remote probation supervision – getting the balance right
View: Remote probation supervision – getting the balance rightSource: Russell Webster Type: External Link
The rise of the far-right terrorist: Reconceptualising risk in probation practice
View: The rise of the far-right terrorist: Reconceptualising risk in probation practiceSource: Probation Quarterly Type: External Link
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