Looking for work in Uxbridge?
View: Looking for work in Uxbridge?Join Seetec at Chimes Shopping Centre for a friendly chat about finding employment and the support we can offer.
QR codes for job sites, supermarkets, hospitality and care
View: QR codes for job sites, supermarkets, hospitality and careHere you will find handy QR codes for job sites across the following sectors:
Bristol CFO Activity Hub
View: Bristol CFO Activity HubA chance to learn new skills and take part in activities to support your personal rehabilitation journey, in a safe, welcoming, non-judgemental and enabling environment.
Single parent, Maya, finds self-employment the ideal answer to managing childcare
View: Single parent, Maya, finds self-employment the ideal answer to managing childcareSeetec and the Restart Scheme support Maya into a flexible self-employment role and help solve her childcare challenge
Tackling addiction and getting back to work – Narayan’s story
View: Tackling addiction and getting back to work – Narayan’s storyNarayan’s story of how his cannabis addiction and social anxiety made it difficult to get back to work – until he turned to Seetec and the Restart Scheme.
Bournemouth Jobs Fair
View: Bournemouth Jobs FairOur National Careers Service advisers will be at The Bournemouth Jobs Fair on Wednesday 12th February 2025
Exeter Jobs Fair
View: Exeter Jobs FairOur National Careers Service advisers will be at The Exeter Jobs Fair on Friday 7th February 2025
Plymouth Careers Fair
View: Plymouth Careers FairLooking for work? Come and join us for a careers fair at Home Park Stadium in Plymouth on Monday 27 January 2025 between 10am and 3pm.
Calorie calculator
View: Calorie calculatorThis is a great tool if you’re wanting to find out how many calories your body should consume. This tool also has an energy converter, lists the average number of calories in common foods and gives examples of healthy meal plans. Check out the calorie calculator on by clicking on the link below.
Unit converter
View: Unit converterConvert between common and less common units of measurement with this free online tool. Choose from 77 different converters covering length, weight, volume, temperatures and more. Check out the UnitConverters tool using the link below to find out more.
Understanding dimensions
View: Understanding dimensionsLength, width, and height are fundamental dimensions used to define the size of a 3-dimensional object. Together, they describe the space an object occupies in our three-dimensional world. Length refers to the measurement of an object from one end to the other along the longest side. Check out the Multiply guide on understanding dimensions.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
You can search our services here or if you’d prefer a chat, contact us and we’ll come back to you about how we can help.