External link
Calorie calculator
View: Calorie calculatorThis is a great tool if you’re wanting to find out how many calories your body should consume. This tool also has an energy converter, lists the average number of calories in common foods and gives examples of healthy meal plans. Check out the calorie calculator on Calculator.net by clicking on the link below.
Unit converter
View: Unit converterConvert between common and less common units of measurement with this free online tool. Choose from 77 different converters covering length, weight, volume, temperatures and more. Check out the UnitConverters tool using the link below to find out more.
Interpreting timetables
View: Interpreting timetablesAn important ‘life skill’ is that we know how to read and understand information offered to us in a variety of different formats and styles. This tool can help you with understanding the information provided in different types of timetables! Check out the BBC resource by clicking on the button below. This tool can help…
Kitchen conversion charts
View: Kitchen conversion chartsEver feel confused about the difference between grams and ounces, and cups and litres? Good Housekeeping has put together some very helpful printable charts.
Printable multiplication charts and times tables
View: Printable multiplication charts and times tablesMultiplication is not essential only at school but in everyday life. Check out the Multiply resource by clicking on the button below.
Redundancy and dealing with losing your job
View: Redundancy and dealing with losing your jobIf you’re made redundant or unemployed, you might feel anxious about the future. Get advice on how to develop your skills, access free online courses and find help getting a job. Check out the National Careers Service advice on redundancy and dealing with losing your job
Job application form advice
View: Job application form adviceA job application form is an official way to apply for a job or training course with a company. Check out the National Careers Service guide for advice on how to fill in a job application form.
Interview tips
View: Interview tipsAn interview is a conversation between you and an employer to see if you’re the right fit for a role. It’s important to make sure you know what to expect from an interview and to prepare as best as you can. Check out the National Careers Service guide for interview tips.
How to write a cover letter
View: How to write a cover letterA cover letter introduces you to an employer and asks them to think about your application. It’s a short letter, usually 3 to 5 paragraphs long. Check out the National Careers Service guide on how to create a Cover Letter.
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Who we work with
![Department for Work & Pensions partnership with Seetec](https://seetec.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/26-DEP1.jpg)
![Education & Skills Funding Agency partnership with Seetec](https://seetec.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/25-EDU1.png)
![Ministry of Justice Partnership with Seetec](https://seetec.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/27-MIN1.jpg)
![Department for the Economy](https://seetec.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/24-DEP1.jpg)