When Marc joined the Plymouth Restart Scheme, he was supported into a cleaning role very quickly.
Unfortunately, this position ended in late January 2024 so Marc returned to Seetec for more help.
In February, Marc was invited to join the BOOST pilot scheme for a swift return to employment. BOOST offers Seetec participants who have fallen out of work or are close to their exit date, additional support.
Intensive support
The Plymouth Restart Scheme‘s BOOST initiative sees Seetec colleagues working together to support participants.
Liam (Employment Advisor), Shelley (Assistant Employment Advisor) and Lisa (Employer Account Executive) joined forces to support Marc’s BOOST activities.
Marc received intensive support from assisted job searches and 1-2-1 sessions to help him to keep on track.
Lisa would regularly introduce Marc to her employer contacts in a bid help him to find work.
Marc would often get to the interview stage but could not secure a job offer and this left Liam and Lisa pondering, ‘why?’.
After discussions with Marc, they came to the realisation that Marc may have short-term memory loss.
Liam and Lisa worked together to form a plan of action to help Marc with managing his short-term memory loss.
Flash cards
Lisa encouraged Marc to apply for a position that had a virtual interview, this meant that Marc could use flash cards.
Flash cards (pictured left) can be used for research or interviews to help you to remember and memorise key points.
Using the flash cards, Marc performed brilliantly and secured a second, in-person interview.
Lisa then went on to contact The Memory Clinic to seek an assessment for Marc which confirmed he had short-term memory loss.
The Memory Clinic offered Lisa some advice about how to help Marc, and both Lisa and Liam put this advice into practise.
The diagnosis gave Marc closure. He finally had an explanation for the challenges he had faced in finding work.
Marc says; “The diagnosis from the memory clinic certainly explained a lot, it all makes sense now.”
Reasonable adjustments
With Marc eligible for reasonable adjustments, Lisa invited him to meet with an employer at Seetec’s Plymouth office.
The employer was aware of Marc’s diagnosis prior to interview and has offered Marc a job which he was delighted to accept.
With Marc expected to start work in mid-September, Lisa is now working with the employer to arrange some adjustments in the workplace.
Both Lisa and the employer hope these adjustments will help Marc to sustain employment.
Something to look forward to
Marc tells us about his experience; “The job centre referred me to Seetec, it’s been a great experience and they’ve helped me significantly.”
Marc continues; “This job will give me great stability and something to look forward to.”
With the diagnosis and subsequent support from The Memory Clinic, Marc’s learnt coping strategies to help him in his personal life and at work.
We are thrilled that BOOST, with the Plymouth Restart Scheme, has been able to help you, Marc – and we wish you all the best for your future.
Could BOOST help you to overcome your barriers and get back to work? Ask your Jobcentre Plus work coach about the Restart Scheme.
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