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Welcome to our Research Hub, where we explore the ideas, data, and insights that drive innovation and inform strategic decision-making. Here, you’ll find a curated collection of in-depth studies, reports, and articles that dive into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in our industry.

Research is our foundation for changing lives

Our Practice Research Unit is unique. It’s one of the few places where academics work hand-in-hand with frontline colleagues to improve understanding of what works in the delivery of services to participants, businesses and wider communities.

Importantly, our research also stimulates sector-wide debates on the best way to deliver a range of services, from helping people into work, building people’s skills or preventing harm in our communities.

Latest research

Graham Wines

At Seetec, we are committed to growing our research base to better inform how we can increase learner success and reduce barriers to education. Our intention isn’t simply to improve opportunities for our learners, but to inform and influence the practice within the sector so that learners can get the very best experience. Our aim as a Practice Research Unit therefore is to enable evidence-led, continuous improvement both for Seetec’s learner population and for learners across the sector.

Graham Wines, Director of Professional Standards, Research and Development

Our recommendations help to improve the way providers and policymakers commission services, directly impacting the way we help people to discover and realise their potential.

Through our research programmes we develop more effective services. In so doing, we lay the foundations for improving social mobility and inclusion to advance fairer, safer and more prosperous communities.

Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London