If you are neurodivergent and living in Devon, Devon Neurodivergent Employment Service can help you get ready for, and find, paid work.
We will help you develop your confidence and skills and support you in finding a job that’s right for you.
We know that looking for work is not always easy, particularly if you’ve been out of work for a while. But you don’t have to do it alone!
Seetec’s social enterprise, Pluss, delivers the Devon Neurodivergent Employment Service and offers 1:1 support to help you build your confidence and succeed in the career of your choice.
You can be referred onto the Devon Neurodivergent Employment Service if you are aged 18-65 and accessing a job centre in any of the following areas:
Our support is built around you and your support network:
Personal Development: help to build your confidence
Job Search: CVs, applications and interview
Training: from basic skills to professional qualifications
Benefits Advice: helping you apply for financial support
Work Trials: working interviews and routeways in the sector of your choice, so you can try out jobs and gain experience
And once you’re back in work, the support continues:
Mentoring: we stay in regular contact with you
Job Coaching: to help you learn work tasks
Access To Funding: for equipment to help you do your job
Whatever Else You Need: anything from help with travel to clothes for interviews
🎬 Supporting neurodiversity
Take a look at this video, voiced by Phoebe who is sharing her story to help employers know what support they can provide neurodivergent colleagues.
More details
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