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Redundancy and dealing with losing your job

If you’re made redundant or unemployed, you might feel anxious about the future. Get advice on how to develop your skills, access free online courses and find help getting a job. Check out the National Careers Service advice on redundancy and dealing with losing your job

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If you’re made redundant or unemployed, you might feel anxious about the future. Get advice on how to develop your skills, access free online courses and find help getting a job. Check out the National Careers Service advice on redundancy and dealing with losing your job.

Last updated 8 November 2024


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    Access the resource: Budget calculator
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    Access the resource: Business forecasting
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    This is a great tool if you’re wanting to find out how many calories your body should consume. This tool also has an energy converter, lists the average number of calories in common foods and gives examples of healthy meal plans. Check out the calorie calculator on Calculator.net by clicking on the link below.

    Access the resource: Calorie calculator
Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London