Welcome to our Bristol CFO Activity Hub page
The Hub offers people the chance to learn new skills and take part in activities to support their personal rehabilitation journey, in a safe, welcoming, non-judgemental and enabling environment.
Take part in activities such as:
- Sports
- Life skills (eg. Cooking, basic DIY, every day digital skills)
- Music and the arts
- Arts and crafts
Your dedicated Support Worker will:
- Empower you to identify goals and help them plan how to achieve them.
- Coordinate activities so that you get the best service from the best providers at the best time.
- Deliver mentoring/coaching to address barriers, increase confidence, motivation and resilience.
- Help you to access to existing services.
- Develop a Future Focus Plan with you as you move into wider services, employment or training.
How to contact us:
Email: Bristol.hub@seetec.co.uk
Telephone: 0117 4721501
Our Hub location:
26-28 St Augustine’s Parade,
Bristol, BS1 4UL
CFO Evolution is delivered by the HMPPS CFO programme. Visit the 💻 Creating Future Opportunities website to learn more about the work of HMPPS CFO.