If you’ve been in receipt of Universal Credit or Jobseeker’s Allowance for six months or more, the Restart Scheme will help you build confidence, improve your skills and support you to find a job which is right for you.
The Restart Scheme is designed for people currently out of work. It will help build your confidence and skills, and support you in finding a job that’s right for you.
Your personal employment adviser will work closely with you to get to know your aspirations and support needs. Together we’ll create a bespoke plan to help and guide you every step of the way.
1:1 coaching, advice and guidance
Job search, CVs and interviews
Support to enhance your health and wellbeing
Priority access to local services, such as Citizens Advice
Meeting local and national employers
And it doesn’t stop there: once you’re in work we’ll also help you settle into your new role, and we can assist with benefits, training, career progression, and lots more.
Life’s ups and downs
We can also help with your own unique circumstances.
If you feel life is holding you back in any way, we’ll put you in touch with specialists who can provide tailored support.
From money, housing or travel worries to health, wellbeing, family or lifestyle concerns; whatever your challenges, we’ll support you to manage the difficult days and get life back on track.
Getting online
If you don’t have access to a laptop, PC or phone – or simply don’t feel confident using I.T. – we can also help you get online quickly by giving you equipment, data and digital training!
I would recommend the Restart Scheme to anyone looking to turn their life around. With the undivided attention you receive, you can have a great and promising future ahead of you
To be eligible to join the Restart Scheme, you should be in receipt of Universal Credit (intensive work search regime) or Jobseeker’s Allowance (IB) for a minimum of six months.
Suitability is determined by your Jobcentre Plus Work Coach. Referrals are made by Jobcentre Pluss.
So, if you think this support could be just what you are looking for, let them know – and we could be welcoming you to the Restart Scheme very soon.
Support offered by the Restart Scheme
1:1 Coaching, advice and guidance
Support with job search, CVs and interview prep
Work trials, working interviews and routeways in the sector of your choice
Support to enhance your health and wellbeing
Access to training and qualifications
Introductions to local and national employers
Digital support
In-work support
Specialist support from a range of local organisations to help manage and overcome any specific barriers
Within 30 days of your referral from Jobcentre Plus to the Restart Scheme, we’ll arrange your first face-to-face meeting with us.
This will help us get to know each other so we can understand your current situation and give you the support you want and need. We’ll also agree the actions we’ll both take to help you on your journey into work.
We call this the ‘Discovery’ meeting and this will usually be held at your local office.
On arrival, you’ll meet an engagement coach who will welcome you to the Restart Scheme, and complete the initial stages of your Discovery meeting.
They’ll also give you a tour of our site and its facilities, and provide you with an induction pack.
Steps to Success
Here’s what happens when we first meet you to discuss the various ways the Restart Scheme can support you into employment:
We’ll start with a quick ID check (National Insurance / right to work ID), so please bring this evidence with you.
If you don’t have any Right To Work ID, please don’t worry; we can always arrange for this to be ordered for you.
We’ll also complete an employment status check. This is just to make sure you’re not currently being paid for any employment or self-employment, as this may prevent you from joining this particular programme.
We’ll discuss your domestic situation too, so that we can find out if you’ve any childcare or other caring requirements that we need to support you with.
We’ll also discuss things like travel expenses and any other areas that may concern you while you’re on the Restart Scheme.
The engagement coach (EA) will then introduce you to your allocated employment adviser who will complete the remainder of the Discovery meeting.
Together, you and your EA will explore your goals, motivations and challenges, and assess your initial job readiness for employment.
We’ll create an initial ‘Smart Action Plan’ which will include some work preparation activities for you to complete for your next appointment.
We’ll give you an overview of your next appointment and show you the Diagnostic Assessment tool that we’ll use to help decide what the next steps will be, so we can ensure the best experience during your time with us.
Your next appointment will be within 10 working days of your first visit.
If you’re facing barriers to work and would like a helping hand, our Work and Health Programme – Pioneer will support you to find the right job and reach your true potential.
If you’re of working age and have a health issue or disability creating barriers to work, our Work and Health Programme will guide and support you to find the right job and reach your true potential.
If you live in Norfolk, are aged 16 or over, and have a physical or mental health condition or a disability that affects your daily life, Working Well Norfolk can help. Our dedicated employment advisers will support you to return to work quickly, and offer 1:1 advice and coaching to help you stay there.
‘Opportunities’ provides a service dedicated to anyone in South Devon and in employment, experiencing mental health difficulties which impact their job or wellbeing.