Home > Your Stories > Apprentice Joe and his boss, Ian, tell us about working at Woodland Group

Apprentice Joe and his boss, Ian, tell us about working at Woodland Group

Apprentice Joe and his boss Ian

Seetec is proud to have supported Joe on two apprenticeship programmes alongside the fantastic team at Woodland Group.

Joe and his employer, Ian, have been telling us how this apprenticeship experience within the UK customs clearance team at Woodland group, has been transformative for them both.

“My position at Woodland Group is on the import customs clearance desk, where I deal with a variety of different goods including fish and alcohol.

“I am also a mentor for new apprenticeships, helping to settle them into the business and work through their course.

“Seetec supported me during both of my apprenticeships. A great example of this was during my final revision stage when my delivery tutor worked with me to practice my presentation and professional discussion.

“She organised two meetings a week to support and help me prepare for the final exam and gateway meeting.

“I have overcome personal difficulties to achieve my apprenticeship qualifications; I suffer from severe dyslexia and ADHD, so dealing with this was a challenge for me.

Apprentice Joe with his boss Ian at Woodland
Joe and his boss, Ian, at Woodland Group

“However, by working hard and putting more time into the course than others may need to, along with the support of my tutor, I was able to pass both of my courses. I passed my leadership course with a distinction!

“Both of my apprenticeship courses have helped me to learn and acquire new knowledge about the freight industry and management respectively, and it has given me two qualifications which will help me as I progress in my career.”

“I’ve had the privilege to oversee and work with several apprentices at Woodland. I’ve been Joe’s manager for both his courses, both of which were very different, and I’ve seen Joe grow and change over this period.

“The fact that Seetec offers these courses is great for Woodland and creates excellent learning and career pathways for our staff and new recruits. 

“Additionally, I’ve found Joe’s delivery tutors to be approachable and open to building key relationships to ensure our learners have the support and assurances to complete and excel in their course.

“Joe is a great example of how Woodland benefits from on-boarding apprenticeship graduates.”

Hungry ambition

“We now have many full-time staff members who have entered the business through an apprenticeship, and this crosses several offices and departments.

“To have hungry, ambitious, hard-working individuals armed with a good foundation in our industry is extremely beneficial to Woodland.

“We take great pride in this, and we set out to give our new recruits the best possible pathways and experiences as they set out on their post-apprenticeship career.

“In our industry, I believe it’s key for businesses to be looking to school, college, and university leavers, as well as individuals looking to have a change of career and existing employees to upskill and strengthen the quality of workforces.

“So, I would always recommend programmes such as the ones offered by Seetec to help shape and future proof businesses such as Woodland Group.”

Last updated 20 March 2024


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Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London